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Here to serve you, heal you, and make you well,
at home, the office, or our offices.

Events, Classes, & Workshops

Write a short description and invite people to join your events.



Corporate Wellness

Write an overview of what this is, who it serves, etc.



Starlight Yoga

Tell me what this is and invite me to join you.

Healing Services

Give me an idea of the healing services that you provide.



Video & Audio Downloads

Videos and recordings of what?  Do I own it?  Do I download it?



 Kids & Pets

Tell me about kids and pets.  Tell me about kids and pets.  Tell me about kids and pets.  

 Joyful Bliss

© 2016 Moon Place Center.  All rights reserved.

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No medical diagnosis or cure is implied nor should anything other than some possible stress relief be expected. Please consult a physician for your health needs. By accepting our services you agree that you are of sound mind and body and are able to receive any of our services. We reserve the right to suspend treatment at any time.

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